

Eastleigh Elim is a part of a movement of Pentecostal churches working in the United Kingdom, Ireland and  over 40 nations around the world

Pastors Mark & Angela Chafe lead the church here at Eastleigh assisted by the Eldership.




Paul Drury

John Holes

Ian Denton

Paul Drury

In the 1970’s Paul attended Northampton Elim Pentecostal Church where he became an elder.

In 1975 Paul married Arlette, a French-Swiss lady, who had served eight years in Upper Volta (Burkina Faso) as a missionary-teacher before being employed as a translator by the American Assemblies of God.

In 1987 they moved to pastor the Elim Church in Sheffield.

In 1989 they were invited to pastor the Jersey Elim Church where they stayed fourteen years, this was followed by four years pastoring in Guernsey, after which they retired.

Arlette is on the music team, while Paul produces the weekly bulletin and runs a weekly bible study.

Their ministry has extended to Europe, Africa and India. and they both have a particular love for foreign missions.

John Holes

John and Elizabeth became Christians in their youth and met at a Gospel Church. In 1957 they were married at Elim Southampton, and having served the Lord there for many years, pastored at Sholing beofre coming to Eastleigh Elim.

Ian Denton


Tens of thousands attend Elim churches every week. While the congregations range from small groups to some of the largest in the UK and Ireland, all our members share a set of beliefs known as ourFoundational Truths.

The Foundational Truths explain our theology and are a statement of faith they are powerful, non-negotiable and guide all we say and do.

Click on the link below to read our

Foundational Truths

Elim is committed to creating healthy churches and safe spaces for all. We recognise the ways in which children and adults can be at risk of harm or abuse, so endeavour to create a culture to minimise opportunities for abuse to occur. Children rely on adults to keep them safe, therefore all our churches working with children, either directly or indirectly, are committed to safeguarding children in their care. We seek to do this by providing a safe, stable, and nurturing environment where children can reach their full potential. Similarly, within our churches there are adults in need of protection, care and support due to vulnerability, whether that is a permanent or temporary state. We are aware too that within our churches there are relationships of trust, which flourish best within healthy churches and environments, where there is openness, transparency and accountability.


We firmly believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and all involved in the life of our churches and activities have a role to play in keeping children, young people and adults safe.




Mark Pugh – General Superintendent

Below is a link to our